Transparent Masks for the Deaf

Austria has seen a 90% decline in COVID-19 cases after implementing the use of masks. It’s been demonstrated that the use of masks limits the spread of diseases by trapping coughs and sneezes, and preventing foreign viral emissions from coming into contact with your mouth and nose. Therefore it’s not surprising that using masks has […]
The Dangers of Interpreting for Family Members
As a Child of Deaf Adults (CODA), I experienced my fair share of interpreting for my parents. Growing up, I was involved in conversations between my parents and lawyers, shady mechanics, doctors, waiters, other family members and just about everything in between. Most of these situations were benign, however many left me feeling very uncomfortable. […]
Certified or Professional Translator or Interpreter?
One challenge that our agency faces is explaining the difference between a translator and an interpreter. A translator works with documents, changing a written text from one language into another. An interpreter is someone who works with spoken or signed (in the case of Sign Language for the Deaf) languages and interprets them into another […]