8 Ways to be a Lousy ASL Interpreter

Whether it’s working with a team or flying solo, you can ensure that you’ll leave a bad taste in your team or client’s mouth if you follow these simple steps: 1) Show up Late No one likes to be left waiting, especially if they’re paying you. If you want to start off on the wrong […]
Access to Communication via Translators: Machine vs Human Interpreters
Until the day comes that we can implant a chip in our heads and simply download Spanish or American Sign language into our heads, we will have to rely on translators and interpreters. These days it is quite easy to either learn a new language or find a way to translate between them. Technology continues […]
The Dangers of Interpreting for Family Members
As a Child of Deaf Adults (CODA), I experienced my fair share of interpreting for my parents. Growing up, I was involved in conversations between my parents and lawyers, shady mechanics, doctors, waiters, other family members and just about everything in between. Most of these situations were benign, however many left me feeling very uncomfortable. […]
Artificial Interpreters
Artificial Interpreters Artificial intelligence (AI) has been toyed with since the automatons of Hephaestus in Greek mythology, and in today’s modern age, artificial intelligence is no longer just an idea or for chess players. It is being used for transportation, finance, medicine, music, agriculture, and more. Of interest to us, is AI in the field […]
Certified or Professional Translator or Interpreter?
One challenge that our agency faces is explaining the difference between a translator and an interpreter. A translator works with documents, changing a written text from one language into another. An interpreter is someone who works with spoken or signed (in the case of Sign Language for the Deaf) languages and interprets them into another […]