Deaf Ph.D Student at University of California Berkeley Denied Sign Language Interpreter

A Deaf Ph.D student has trouble getting a sign language interpreter at University of California at Berkley. It’s hard to believe that this is still an issue especially within the UC system. After interpreting at many colleges and universities in and around the Los Angeles, Long Beach, Anaheim, and surrounding areas I’ve always thought interpreters […]

Now Offering Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) in Healthcare Settings

If you’re in need of an interpreter, but are having a hard time finding someone to come on site, then maybe a video remote interpreter is the solution.  Here at Spot On Interpreting, we provide video remote interpreting in Spanish and American Sign Language nationwide.  In addition to providing interpreters in over 70 different languages onsite […]

Denying Deaf Patients Sign Language Interpreters Will Cost You

“Deaf man blames Hand Surgical Association for delayed treatment Robert HadleyMar. 5, 2016, 7:20pm  358  8  1  368 Terrance LeMaire filed a lawsuit on March 1 in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana against Hand Surgical Association Ltd., alleging violations of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the Louisiana Commission on Human Rights […]

Neighborhood Learns Sign Language For One Man

A whole town learns Sign Language and surprises one Turkish man by interacting with him during his daily routine…when he finds out that the language barrier has been removed just for him, he breaks down into tears. Anytime you’d like to remove those communicative barriers feel free to give us a call.  We have access […]

Who Needs Sign Language Interpreters When You’ve Got Your Tongue!

Researchers at Colorado State University are hoping to be able to train your tongue to hear.  Researchers say that this would be an inexpensive substitute for the cochlear implant, which is not suitable for everyone who is Deaf or has hearing loss.  It involves attaching a device to the tongue that communicates via bluetooth, sending […]

Microsoft Adds Interpreting To Skype

Microsoft adds almost real-time interpretation to Skype which allows users of different languages to speak to each other in their own native language while Skype interprets it into their own language.  While it’s not perfect it’s still a big step towards the goal of allowing for universal communication.  I wonder when they’ll be adding Sign Language […]