Bilingual ASL English Education in LAUSD Schools

ASL being taught as part of a new bilingual system at Los Angeles Unified School District.
Appropriate Deaf Terms
As a professional American Sign Language interpreter and a child of Deaf adults (CODA), I have been exposed to all sorts of phrases surrounding the deaf. Some phrases like “deaf and dumb”, though uncommon, make me cringe, while others such as “hearing impaired” are more innocuous and widespread. When I hear these phrases that are […]
Christine Sun Kim Performs in American Sign Language (ASL) in the Super Bowl

via GIPHY If you were as excited as I was when you saw Christine announced as the American Sign Language (ASL) performer during the Super Bowl, then no doubt you were just as frustrated as I was when there was only a fleeting glimpse of her during the actual performance. As Christine mentioned herself “…it […]
Artificial Interpreters
Artificial Interpreters Artificial intelligence (AI) has been toyed with since the automatons of Hephaestus in Greek mythology, and in today’s modern age, artificial intelligence is no longer just an idea or for chess players. It is being used for transportation, finance, medicine, music, agriculture, and more. Of interest to us, is AI in the field […]
Certified or Professional Translator or Interpreter?
One challenge that our agency faces is explaining the difference between a translator and an interpreter. A translator works with documents, changing a written text from one language into another. An interpreter is someone who works with spoken or signed (in the case of Sign Language for the Deaf) languages and interprets them into another […]
Over the Phone Versus On Site Interpreting
Over-the-Phone Interpreting and Onsite: Which is Better? by BERNADINE RACOMA – FEBRUARY, 13 2018 Due to immigration, the population of the United States increasingly grows diverse. Based on census data, the Center for Immigration Studies released a report in 2016. The following were the highlights: About 64.7 million residents in the U.S., native-born and foreign-born, spoke another […]