Even Folksingers Benefit from American Sign Language Interpreters

Award winning Raine Hamilton is bringing an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter with her on tour due to the increasing requests she’s had for access to her music for those who are Deaf or hard of hearing. She was happy to comply and loves the idea of spreading exposure to music to those with limited […]

Certified or Professional Translator or Interpreter?

One challenge that our agency faces is explaining the difference between a translator and an interpreter. A translator works with documents, changing a written text from one language into another. An interpreter is someone who works with spoken or signed (in the case of Sign Language for the Deaf) languages and interprets them into another […]

Message in a Bottle (not interpreted nor translated)

Being an interpreter lets you have a taste of so many professions yet you never have to commit to any. You get to see the coolest part of the job (free ice cream in a space station factory) and the dullest part (one week employee training on how to fill out government forms). The easiest […]

Spanish Translations in Los Angeles, Long Beach and Anaheim

There are so many language service agencies that offer Spanish translation services in the Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Anaheim areas, so how do you go about choosing the right one? To start with, you should just give them a call and see how you’re treated. Note how long it took to speak to someone. […]

Implicit Biases Can Affect Your Listening Skills

Making conversation: NAU linguist studies how perceptions of accents affects communication August 16, 2018 2 Comments Can a person look hard to understand? The answer, Northern Arizona University researcher Okim Kang found, is yes. And that expectation of listeners—that the person standing in front of them will be less intelligible because English is likely their […]

Why Learn Sign Language?

I recently made a commitment to work on improving various aspects of my life in order to become a more well rounded person. For example, when I realized that I hadn’t taken any kind of class since I graduated from college 10 years ago, I decided there and then that learning something new would be […]

Make The Most of Your Online Spanish Lessons

Learning Spanish is the perfect way for you to introduce yourself to the world of other languages. And online Spanish lessons are by far the easiest way to learn to speak Spanish too. Of all the languages in the world Spanish may just be the easiest one to master quickly. Learning to speak Spanish will […]

Orange County California

Orange County California Orange County is a county located in Southern California, U.S.A. With a current estimated population of three million, it has the second most people for any county in the state of California, and has the fifth most people for any county in all of the Unites States. Known for its wealth and […]

The Most Common Complaints About Translation Services

The Most Common Complaints About Translation Services Within past years modern electronic communication has created extensive business opportunities for freelance translators. They are able to reach clients from all over the world and perform their jobs at their own convenience. It appears to be a dream profession, but yet so many translators report that it’s […]