What Makes a Good Interpreter?

Language interpreters play an important role in facilitating communication between individuals who speak different languages. They are essential in various settings, including conferences, courtrooms, hospitals, and international business transactions. A good interpreter must have exceptional language skills, cultural knowledge, and communication skills. In this essay, we will explore the key qualities that make a good language interpreter.

Exceptional Language Skills

One of the most important qualities of a good interpreter is exceptional language skills. Interpreters must be fluent in at least two languages, and they should have a deep understanding of the grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of both languages. They should be able to understand the nuances of the languages they are interpreting and be able to convey the meaning accurately and effectively.

Interpreters must be able to quickly and accurately interpret what is being said in one language to another language, without adding or omitting any information. They should also be able to interpret different dialects and accents of the languages they are interpreting. Additionally, they should be familiar with technical jargon, idioms, and slang terms that may be used in the specific context they are interpreting in.

Cultural Knowledge

In addition to exceptional language skills, a good interpreter should also have a deep understanding of the cultures of the languages they are interpreting. Culture influences language, and an interpreter who is not familiar with the cultural nuances of the languages they are interpreting may not be able to convey the intended message accurately.

Cultural knowledge includes an understanding of social customs, traditions, and values. Interpreters should be aware of the cultural taboos and avoid using language or gestures that may be considered offensive or inappropriate. They should also be able to adapt to different cultural contexts and be sensitive to the needs and expectations of the individuals they are interpreting for.

Communication Skills

A good interpreter should also have exceptional communication skills. Interpreters must be able to listen carefully to what is being said in one language and accurately convey the message in another language. They must be able to do this in real-time, without hesitation or confusion.

Interpreters should also be able to communicate effectively with individuals who may have limited language skills or who may be emotionally distressed. They should be able to convey the intended message clearly and in a way that is easy to understand.

Interpreters must also be able to maintain a professional demeanor and remain impartial. They should not allow their personal opinions or biases to influence their interpretation of the message. Additionally, they should be able to maintain confidentiality and respect the privacy of the individuals they are interpreting for.

In addition to the three key qualities discussed above, there are other important qualities that make a good interpreter. These include:

1. Professionalism: Interpreters must conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. They should arrive on time, dress appropriately, and be prepared. They should also be reliable and able to meet deadlines.

2. Flexibility: Interpreters should be able to adapt to changing circumstances and be able to handle unexpected situations. They should be able to think on their feet and make quick decisions when necessary.

3. Knowledge of the subject matter: Depending on the context of the interpretation, interpreters should have a good understanding of the subject matter. For example, a medical interpreter should have an understanding of medical terminology and procedures.

4. Technical proficiency: Interpreters may be required to use various types of equipment, such as microphones or headsets, to facilitate interpretation. They should be familiar with the equipment and be able to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

5. Emotional intelligence: Interpreters should be able to read the emotions of the individuals they are interpreting for and adjust their interpretation accordingly. They should be able to empathize with the individuals and provide support when necessary.

6. Continuous learning: Interpreters should be committed to continuous learning and professional development. They should stay up-to-date with the latest developments in their field and take courses or attend workshops to improve their skills.


In conclusion, a good interpreter must have exceptional language skills, cultural knowledge, and communication skills. They should be able to accurately convey the intended message without adding or omitting any information. Additionally, they should be familiar with the cultural nuances of the languages they are interpreting and be able to adapt to different cultural contexts. Interpreters must also be professional, flexible, knowledgeable, technically proficient, emotionally intelligent, and committed to continuous learning. By possessing these qualities, interpreters can effectively facilitate communication between individuals who speak different languages and help bridge cultural divides.

If you need more information about our Spanish or ASL interpreters in the Los Angeles, Long Beach, Anaheim, or nationwide, feel free to submit our interpreter request form for a free quote.

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SpotOn Interpreting

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