I am often asked to provide an interpreter and when the issue of billing comes up, clients are sometimes surprised to find out that the deaf person is typically not responsible for paying for the interpreter.

I usually discuss their situation to find out if they are required by law to provide an ASL interpreter. I always advise them to double-check everything with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or an ADA attorney before making any decisions, but at least I am able to give them an idea of their legal obligations.

The Simple Answer

An overly simplistic answer is that if the deaf person is applying for a job and your company has more than 15 employees, then you will be responsible for providing an interpreter for the interview or any job-related communications that are essential to the hiring process or performance of the job.

If a deaf person goes to your place of business and you are not able to effectively communicate without an interpreter (e.g., via writing) with the person in order to provide services available to the general public, or the communication is expected to be very important or complex (e.g., medical visit), then you are responsible for providing an interpreter. There are few exceptions which the ADA discusses, such as if it is an undue financial burden or if it fundamentally changes the same service offered to the public.

Private companies or “Commercial Facilities”, are typically the ones who are confused as to whether they should provide an interpreter, as it is clear in Title II of the ADA pertaining to all state and local government organizations which states that the government is required to accommodate the deaf “…in all services, programs, and activities provided to the public…” – ADA Title II

Title III deals with Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities, which is what I typically review with the company to see if they are obligated. In general, regardless of company size, section 36.201 of Title III states that:

“No individual shall be discriminated against on the basis of disability in the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of any place of public accommodation by any private entity who owns, leases (or leases to), or operates a place of public accommodation.”

Effective Communication for the Deaf

Regarding deaf people, the law enables them to receive “effective communication” in order to participate as any person from the general public would. This is often unclear, so here are a couple examples.


1.   A deaf person who sign language to communicate enters a car dealer looking for a new car. The salesperson may be able to communicate basic information about the cars using printed materials, writing back and forth with pen and paper, or typing to each other via phone or computer. If the deaf person becomes serious about making a purchase, a qualified interpreter may be required to go through the details of the contract and for any in-depth communication about finances, since it can be difficult to understand all the contractual complexities of buying a car.

2.   A deaf person checks in with their doctor for regular blood pressure and basic follow-ups with the staff. Writing back and forth and/or gesturing/pointing are likely all that is needed for this type of visit. However, if the deaf person has a mild stroke and returns to their doctor for a full exam and tests and asks for a sign-language interpreter then the doctor should arrange for a qualified interpreter because this type of visit has serious consequences and the details are not likely to be effectively communicated in writing or by gesturing.

In the case that using what you have on-hand doesn’t lead to effective communication, then the following are some ADA recommended aids and services that can help.

§ 36.303 Auxiliary aids and services.

Deaf People and Employment

36.307 (Title III) Accessible or special goods.

TAX CREDITS for Providing Services

Small businesses can get tax credits for the expense of an interpreter. A small business is one with 30 or fewer employees OR with $1 million or less in gross receipts for the preceding tax year.

For More Information

I hope you have found this information useful, however it’s not a substitute for reading the law or having it interpreted by an attorney. You can contact the ADA Information Line at 1-800-514-0301 if you are still unsure about deaf people’s rights and/or your obligations under the ADA law.

To Hire an ASL Interpreter

If you would like to go ahead and book an on-site ASL or Video Remote Interpreter (VRI), then give us a call at 855-562-7768, fill out this form, or email us at spotoninterpreting@gmail.com

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