8 Ways to be a Lousy ASL Interpreter

Whether it’s working with a team or flying solo, you can ensure that you’ll leave a bad taste in your team or client’s mouth if you follow these simple steps: 1) Show up Late No one likes to be left waiting, especially if they’re paying you. If you want to start off on the wrong […]

Appropriate Deaf Terms

As a professional American Sign Language interpreter and a child of Deaf adults (CODA), I have been exposed to all sorts of phrases surrounding the deaf. Some phrases like “deaf and dumb”, though uncommon, make me cringe, while others such as “hearing impaired” are more innocuous and widespread. When I hear these phrases that are […]

Interpreting Amidst the Coronavirus

As of today (April 1st) there are almost 900,000 cases and 45,000 deaths. It is peaking in Italy and Spain and growing exponentially in the United States where the number of infected people is over 190,000 which is nearly twice that of the next most infected country (Italy 110,000). In the midst of this pandemic, […]

Access to Communication via Translators: Machine vs Human Interpreters

Until the day comes that we can implant a chip in our heads and simply download Spanish or American Sign language into our heads, we will have to rely on translators and interpreters. These days it is quite easy to either learn a new language or find a way to translate between them. Technology continues […]

Christine Sun Kim Performs in American Sign Language (ASL) in the Super Bowl

via GIPHY If you were as excited as I was when you saw Christine announced as the American Sign Language (ASL) performer during the Super Bowl, then no doubt you were just as frustrated as I was when there was only a fleeting glimpse of her during the actual performance. As Christine mentioned herself “…it […]

Los Angeles ASL Interpreter Services

If you have a person who uses American Sign Language (ASL) as their preferred method of communication and would like to provide them with equal access, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, then feel free to contact us. We will do our best to guide you and ensure that you and your client […]

Universal Language Pattern

It may seem that all foreign languages are spoken at a rate that is just impossible for you to wrap head around, much less your tongue. However, this is more likely just an effect of your linguistic background. Preliminary researcher found that spoken languages produced sounds at roughly the same speed, however a more in-depth […]

Empathy for the Deaf

Growing up with Deaf parents never struck me as odd. I mean sure, my parents had plenty of things that annoyed me, but I imagine most kids can say that about their parents. I suppose however, that there were some issues that were unique to being a child of Deaf adults (CODA). One of these […]

The Dangers of Interpreting for Family Members

As a Child of Deaf Adults (CODA), I experienced my fair share of interpreting for my parents. Growing up, I was involved in conversations between my parents and lawyers, shady mechanics, doctors, waiters, other family members and just about everything in between. Most of these situations were benign, however many left me feeling very uncomfortable. […]

Young Deaf Girl “Sings” in Sign Language

Savannah Dahan’s favorite singer is Carrie Underwood and it shows in this video of her sign-singing  “Unbreakable”: While she does have some hearing, she comes from a Deaf family and can identify with the lyrics “I am invincible, unbreakable, unstoppable, unshakeable. They knock me down, I get up again. I am the champion.” A great […]